In case you’ve purchased a web hosting plan and you have certain inquiries related to a given function/feature, or if you have confronted a certain issue and you require assistance, you should be able to contact the respective help desk staff. All hosting companies use a ticketing system no matter if they provide other ways of contacting them along with it or not, because of the fact that the most efficient way to handle an issue most often is to send a ticket. This form of correspondence renders the responses sent by both parties simple to track and permits the customer support team members to escalate the case if, for example, an administrator needs to intervene. Most often, the ticketing system isn’t directly linked to the hosting space and is part of the billing account, which means that you need to have no less than two different accounts to touch base with the client support team and to actually manage the hosting space. Non-stop logging in and out of different accounts could sometimes be a headache, not to mention the fact that it requires a lot of time for most web hosting providers to reply to ticket requests.

Integrated Ticketing System in Shared Web Hosting

Our Linux shared web hosting packages come bundled with an integrated support ticket system, which is an integral part of our custom-created Hepsia hosting Control Panel. Unlike other comparable tools, Hepsia will permit you to manage everything associated with the web hosting service itself in the same place – payments, website files, e-mails, trouble tickets, etc., eliminating the necessity to sign in and out of different admin interfaces. In case you’ve got any technical or pre-sales questions or any difficulties, you can post a ticket with just several clicks without having to leave your hosting Control Panel. In the meantime, you may select a category and our system will offer you a variety of articles, which will supply you with additional information and which may help you resolve any specific problem even before you submit a ticket. We guarantee a trouble ticket response time of no more than one hour, even if it’s a weekend or a public holiday.

Integrated Ticketing System in Semi-dedicated Hosting

The support ticket system that we use is built into the Hepsia Control Panel, which we’ve created for our Linux semi-dedicated hosting packages, so you won’t need one more platform to touch base with our customer service staff – you can do this on the spot in case you run into an issue. Submitting a new ticket takes a few clicks of the mouse and finding an older one is equally easy. Using our smart search option, you can quickly find any ticket that you have already posted. You can post a ticket at any particular moment as our client support team representatives are on duty day and night and answer in no more than an hour, although it seldom takes that much to obtain help. With Hepsia, you’ll have everything in a single place and you can forget about the need to log in and out of 2 or more platforms to solve a simple problem.