The disk space feature displays the overall amount of info that you're able to have on your shared web hosting server at any given time. With a home PC, for example, this is the total size of your hard disk drive or the total volume of all of the hard disks in the event that the PC has more than 1. Exactly as your space on a PC is shared between installed computer programs, documents, your music etcetera, the server storage space is normally divided between website files, databases and emails. Every file, folder and email will take a little storage space on the server, so you should take into account quite a few factors, not just the size of the files that you upload. To give an example, receiving sizeable email attachments or having a script-driven site where the user-generated data is kept in a database also affects the hdd space you are using.

Disk Space in Shared Web Hosting

All of our shared web hosting plans were made with the notion that not enough storage space cannot be a thing that can obstruct the development of your web sites. For that reason we have used a technique which is different from the one that most web hosting companies take - instead of making all of the accounts on a single server and subsequently running out of hard disk space, we use a cloud hosting platform where the storage is taken care of by an entire cluster of servers. That's why, we're able to install more machines if they are necessary and / or more hard disk drives, in order to offer more disk space for the files of our valued clients. Separate clusters manage the e-mails and your databases, which means that not only are you able to expand your websites without having to worry about space, but also all of the servers will operate better and faster due to the fact that every service has its own space for storing and a single server does not handle various kinds of files.

Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Hosting

All of our semi-dedicated server packages have "disk space" as a feature only to lay emphasis on that it is truly unrestricted. We were able to achieve that with the use of a cutting-edge, custom-made cloud hosting platform, where your emails, databases and files are kept on independent clusters of servers. We can add additional hard disk drives or entire servers to all of the clusters and whenever necessary, plus our hosting Control Panel is designed to function with such a system. In comparison, the majority of Control Panels on the hosting market can function only on one server, and in spite of what the majority of providers advertise, they really create a variety of accounts on just a single machine. With a semi-dedicated server plan through our company, you will never have to concern yourself with hdd storage limits and you are able to concentrate on developing your websites.

Disk Space in Dedicated Web Hosting

Our Linux dedicated servers hosting packages include a number of HDDs so as to suit the computing power that you'll get, so you will never need to be worried about running out of hard disk space. The hard drives can be used in RAID, i.e. one drive can function as a mirror of another so as to ensure that all your info will be secured, or you can use it individually for even bigger total storage space. Hundreds of gigabytes of hdd storage space will be available all of the time, thus you can run enormous sites, upload big files or even duplicate your personal archive. Considering that a dedicated server is the most powerful kind of hosting, you will be able to upload/download files with ultra fast speeds. When necessary, we also provide the option to add more hard disks and employ even more space for your data. We provide three hosting Control Panels with the dedicated servers - with Hepsia, all of your domains will share the whole server space and they will be operated in a single place, whereas with DirectAdmin and cPanel you'll have the option to set up individual website hosting accounts with pre-selected disk space quotas for every single domain name hosted on the server.